We the people of earth
Time has passed since the beginning of its creation. Such Time gave birth to the inevitable reason and understanding for ourselves and the brave sacrifices that lead to this very moment in time.
The Constitution of Earth
Council of the Wise
Section 1
The Council of the Wise shall consist of Eight Hundred and Sixteen (816) members, the count of members representing their old nation is measured by that nation's economic, cultural and military influence on the current global state.
1.1. Global Citizenship: The candidate must be a citizen of Earth, recognized by the nation from which the member is elected.
1.2. Age: No candidate shall be a Council member who shall not have attained to the Age of Thirty-Five (35) at the time of their initial election.
1.3. Qualification Assessment: Each candidate shall undergo a comprehensive qualification assessment to ascertain their character and suitability for Council membership. This assessment shall include an evaluation of the candidate's benevolence, love, and compassion towards both humanity and all living creatures that are upon and beneath the earth's surface, within the air, upon and beneath the waters. It shall gauge the candidate's capacity for self-love and their ability to extend such love to all creation, as well as the absence of any egoistic ambitions. It shall determine the candidate's alignment with the principles of natural harmony and their motivation to contribute to the advancement of humankind toward a brighter future. Successful completion of this assessment is required for eligibility.
1.4. Term Limit: No member shall serve more than three (3) terms on the Council. Each term shall be three (3) years in duration.
1.5. The Council shall consider diversity and representation from different regions and cultures to ensure equitable participation.
Section 2: Election Process
2.1. National Nomination: Each sovereign nation shall have the authority to nominate candidates for Council membership in accordance with their own national processes and criteria.
2.2. International Committee: An international committee, established by the Council, shall oversee the nomination, Assessment conducted by (Section 1.3), and election process, ensuring its fairness and transparency.
2.3. No candidate shall be a qualified Council member who shall have attained to the Age of Sixty-Five (65).
2.4. Elections shall be held on a rotating basis to ensure a steady influx of fresh perspectives and ideas.
2.5. In the event that a Council member exceeds the term limit of three (3) terms, they shall not be eligible for re-election until a subsequent term has passed.
Section 3: Oath of Office
3.1. Each Council member shall undergo a DNA test before taking the oath, conducted by (Section 2.2) to confirm their status as a member of humankind and not of other species. The results of this test shall be made publicly available. Any attempt to adulterate or falsify these results shall result in immediate disqualification of the member.
3.2. Upon election, each Council member shall take an oath of office, pledging to uphold the principles and values enshrined in this Constitution and to faithfully represent the interests of the collective well-being of humankind.
3.3. Council members shall be guided by principles of righteousness in the heart, integrity, well-being, love, and dedication to the common good throughout their tenure.
Section 4: Legislative Powers
4.1. All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in the Council of the Wise, which shall consist of members elected by sovereign nations and representing the interests of humankind.
4.3. Legislation passed by the Council of the Wise shall have the force of international law and shall be binding upon all nations, with due respect for their sovereignty and adherence to the principles of justice and equality.
Council of the Wise member seats reference:
Each member country gets 18 seats in the Council of the Wise: United States and China (2)
Each member country gets 15 seats in the Council of the Wise: Russia and United Kingdom (2)
Each member country gets 12 seats in the Council of the Wise: Germany, France and India (3)
Each member country gets 9 seats in the Council of the Wise: Japan, South Korea, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Iran, Egypt, Brazil, Australia, Italy, Canada, Taiwan, Greece, Poland, Sweden (16)
Each member country gets 6 seats in the Council of the Wise: Ukraine, Finland, Norway, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Pakistan, Nigeria, Algeria, Morocco, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait (20)
Each member country gets 3 seats in the Council of the Wise: Rest of the nations (150)
Council of the World
Section 1
The Council of the World shall consist of seven (7) members, with each member representing one of the seven continents of Earth: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Europe, North America, Australia (Oceania), and South America. These members shall collectively serve as the executive branch of the world government.
1.1. Membership: Global Citizenship: The candidate must be a citizen of Earth, recognized by each of the seven (7) continents from which the member is elected.
1.2. Roles and Responsibilities: The Council of the World is responsible for overseeing and executing the policies and laws enacted by the Council of the Wise, the legislative branch of world governance. Their primary duties include the implementation of international laws, diplomatic relations, global security, and the overall administration of world affairs.
1.3. Election and Term:
1.3.1. Continental Nomination: Each sovereign Continent shall establish a process and have the authority to nominate candidates for Council membership in accordance with their own continent processes and criteria.
1.3.2. Age: No candidate shall be a Council member who shall not have attained to the Age of Thirty-Five (45) at the time of their initial election.
1.3.3. Age Limit: No candidate shall be a qualified Council member who shall have attained to the Age of Sixty-Five (65).
1.3.4. Term Limit: No member shall serve more than One (1) term on the Council. Each term shall be Six (6) years in duration.
1.3.5. Re-Election: In the event that a Council member exceeds the term limit of One (1) term, they shall not be eligible for re-election until a One (1) term of Six (6) years has passed.
Section 2: Functions of the Council of the World
2.1. Executive Decisions: The Council of the World shall make executive decisions on international matters, including diplomacy, conflict resolution, and environmental conservation. All members must reach unanimous agreement on major international policies and decisions.
2.2. Enforcement of International Law: The Council of the World is responsible for enforcing international laws and treaties established by the Council of the Wise. They shall ensure adherence to these laws by all nations.
2.3. Global Security: They oversee matters related to global security and defense, coordinating efforts to address threats to world peace.
2.4. Diplomatic Relations: The Council of the World manages diplomatic relations with sovereign nations, fostering cooperation, resolving disputes, and promoting peace on a global scale.
Section 3: Decision-Making
3.1. Unanimous Agreement: All significant decisions and policies by the Council of the World must be reached through unanimous agreement among its members. This approach ensures that global decisions have widespread support and consensus
Section 4: International Cooperation
4.1. Collaboration: The Council of the World shall collaborate closely with the Council of the Wise, the legislative branch of world governance, to ensure the effective implementation of international laws and policies. Their close cooperation shall uphold the principles of worldly governance and the rule of law.
Section 5: Administration of Qualification and Verification Tests
5.1. Members elected to the Council of the World shall undergo the same comprehensive qualification assessment as outlined in "1.3" and "3.1. DNA Test" of the Council of the Wise.
5.3. The Council shall establish transparent and impartial procedures for these assessments and verifications, ensuring their integrity and adherence to the principles and values set forth in this Constitution.
Section 6: Oath of Office
Members elected to the Council of the World shall undergo the same procedure outlined in "Section 3" of the Council of the Wise.
Council of the Just
Section 1:
The Council of the Just shall consist of EightyOne (81) members, One (1) Chief Justice and Eighy (80) Practical Justices
1.1. Nomination Process:
A. Candidates for the Council of the Just shall be nominated by the nation from which the candidate is elected. Nominees must also be citizens of Earth.
B. Candidates for the Council of the Just must have prior experience in the field of law, either as a practical judge, a previous judge or hold a recognized degree in law. This qualification ensures that members possess the necessary expertise and understanding of legal matters.
C. Nominees for the position of Chief Justice and Practical Justices shall undergo the same comprehensive qualification assessment as outlined in "1.3" and "3.1. DNA Test" of the Council of the Wise.
1.2. International Committee:
An international committee established by the Council of the Wise shall oversee the nomination and assessment to ensure fairness and transparency of such nomination.
1.3. Age and Term Limit:
No candidate shall be a Council member who shall not have attained to the Age of Fifty-Five (55) at the time of their initial election.
No candidate shall be a qualified Council member who shall have attained to the Age of Sixty-Five (65).
Term Limit: No member shall serve more than One (1) term on the Council. Each term shall be Nine (9) years in duration.
Elections shall be held on a rotating basis to ensure a steady influx of fresh perspectives and ideas.
In the event that a Council member exceeds the term limit of One (1) term, they shall not be eligible for re-election.
1.4. Confirmation:
Nominees for the position of Chief Justice and Practical Justices shall be confirmed by a majority vote of the Council of the Wise.
Section 2: Functions of the Council
2.1. Chief Justice:
The Chief Justice shall preside over the Council of the Just and serve as the leader of the judicial branch.
Responsibilities of the Chief Justice:
Administrative duties to ensure the smooth functioning of the Council.
Representing the Council of the Just in its relations with other branches of Earth governance.
2.2. Practical Justices:
Practical Justices, numbering Eighty (80), shall be responsible for adjudicating cases brought before the Council of the Just.
A. Reviewing and interpreting international laws and treaties.
B. Hearing and deciding cases involving disputes between nations, violations of international law, and matters of global significance.
C. Ensuring the fair and impartial application of justice on a worldwide scale for the well-being of humankind, the earth and the waters.
2.3. Unanimous Agreement:
Decisions and judgments of the Council of the Just shall require unanimous agreement among the Practical Justices or a majority vote of 80% of the judges.
2.4. Judicial Independence:
Practical Justices shall be independent in their decision-making, free from external influence or pressure.
Section 3: Appeals
3.1. Appellate Jurisdiction:
The Council of the Just shall exercise appellate jurisdiction over cases arising from the decisions and judgments of the Council of the Wise, the legislative branch of world governance.
3.2. Review of Legislative Actions:
The Council of the Just shall have the authority to review the constitutionality and legality of legislative actions passed by the Council of the Wise. This review ensures that all enacted laws align with the principles of justice, equality, and the constitution of Earth.
3.3. Finality of Decisions:
Decisions made by the Council of the Just on appeals shall be final and binding on all nations.
4. Oaths of office
All members of the Council of the Just (Chief Justice and Practical Justices) shall undergo "Section 3" of the Council of Wise members.
Council of the Just member seats reference table:
Practical Justices
Blue region shall get 32 (40% of 80) seats
Purple region shall get 24 (30% of 80) seats
Green region shall get 16 (20% of 80) seats
Yellow region shall get 8 (10% of 80) seats
Chief Justice
Rotating (Every Term) One (1) Term for each color region


Amendment I
Love and compassion shall serve as the foundational principles guiding all humankind, regardless of shape, form, age, belief, or race, in their interactions with fellow humans and all living creatures.

Amendment II
The shared stewardship of earth and the waters shall be an obligatory, universal teaching imparted to every child born of humankind.

Amendment III
An Earthly Community shall be established, providing unrestricted access to knowledge pertaining to the functioning and operations of the human body, sourced from all available repositories known to humankind. Access to the resources of this establishment shall be freely granted.

Amendment IV
Elevating the level of human consciousness shall be pursued, accompanied by appropriate guidance and understanding with equal access to the provisions set forth in Amendment III.

Amendment V
The intellectual and intelligence faculties of the mind and heart shall be harnessed congruently in a fundamental belief for the betterment, well-being and welfare of humankind, earth and the waters.

Amendment VI
All requisite resources found both upon and beneath the earth's surface, all requisite resources found both upon and beneath the waters shall be responsibly harnessed, employed and utilized for the well-being, progression, welfare and advancement of humankind.

Amendment VII
The formation of a United Earth Army shall be pursued, such formation shall emerge after following the elevation of the old world's armed forces, achieving unity in quality, professionalism, and experience. All information acquired by the Intelligence agencies of the old world must be shared into a single body of intelligence that operates under the authority of the United Earth Army and its fundamental existence must be a key force for enhancing such army.

Amendment VIII
The right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment shall be recognized as an inherent right of all humankind. Ensuring the protection and preservation of the earth's ecosystems for present and future generations.

Amendment IX
The Formation of a Humankind Engine: Such foundation shall possess and harvest all elite-qualified minds in mathematics, physics, engineering, science, architecture and chemistry to oversee and responsibly utilize all requisite resources outlined in Amendment VI for the advancement, welfare, and progress of humankind, earth, and the waters.

Amendment X
All known technology to humankind shall be made accessible to all nations for the collective benefit of humankind and earth. This shared technology shall be harnessed to enhance the well-being, progress, and harmony of both humankind and earth. The utilization of shared technology shall extend to the establishment of space-compatible local stations. These stations shall give birth to our next step for the preservation of humankind, further exploration, research, and cooperation beyond the boundaries of Earth.